STEP Statement of Faith
What does STEP believe about God?
There is only one God.
God is eternal.
God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
What does STEP believe about Jesus Christ?
God became incarnate as Jesus.
Jesus was born of a virgin.
Jesus was both man and God.
Jesus is the Son of God and is in very nature, God.
Jesus lived a sinless life.
The miracles of Jesus as stated in the Bible are true.
Jesus took mankind’s sin on Himself and died as mankind’s sin sacrifice, once for all.
Jesus was resurrected in bodily form and lives today.
Jesus ascended to heaven and rules at the right hand of the Father.
Jesus is currently working to reconcile all men to Him.
Jesus is coming again.
What does STEP believe about the Holy Spirit?
It is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin.
The Holy Spirit guides men to truth.
The Holy Spirit lives in each person who believes in Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit enables believers to obey Jesus’ commands.
What does STEP believe about the Bible?
The Bible is inspired by God and is His holy and perfect Word to men.
The Bible is complete – nothing needs to be added to it or taken from it.
The Bible is God’s Word, and therefore used for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
What does STEP believe about mankind?
All mankind has sinned.
Jesus Christ desires that all mankind be saved and receive salvation to eternal life.
God gave mankind a free will to choose Christ or deny His Lordship.
What does STEP believe about the Church universal?
God chooses to work His will through the Church.
God calls the Church to be unified in spirit.
The Church is the Body of Christ.
What is STEP’s mission?
To complement the Church to reach the poor and disadvantaged.
To cooperate with the suburban and inner city churches in Christ-centered activities and outreaches.